All Love is Pure Love: Celebrating Pride Month with LSRF


"I applaud the removal of that stigma I struggled with so much. Sexual confusion, especially in the teenage years, is more natural than I knew. I take comfort in younger generations that celebrate the rainbow of sexual expression."


- Ram Dass

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What matters is getting to soul love.

More and more, I don’t need any labels at all. Whatever I am, I just am. As I age, my sexual drive has slowed. I still have occasional sexual thoughts and fantasies, but the less I identify with my body, the further my lust evolves into love. From my soul, I look at people I would have been sexually attracted to in the past, and I just love them. I don’t think about their bodies. I see where they are in their journey or in their relationships. When I can just be with someone, it allows them to come into their soul too.

Paul Gorman and I started with a talk about spirituality and social action. It didn’t go over well. We were two white guys, and I quickly realized my version of spiritual didn’t resonate for many of the people who had deep roots in Christianity.

Our world views collided. We mis-understood one another’s cues and intentions. For example, activists were annoyed that meditators closed their eyes. They thought they were going to sleep.

It was hard for activists to sit quietly, much less meditate. It soon became apparent how difficult it is to be silent unless you feel that your voice has been heard...

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