
Love Serve Remember Foundation

The Love Serve Remember Foundation (LSRF) is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba and Ram Dass. The foundation facilitates the continuation of these teachings through online courses, blog content, films, podcasts, social network channels and collaborative projects with conscious artists and musicians.



Raghu Markus

Executive Director

Raghu Markus spent 18 months in India with Neem Karoli Baba and Ram Dass. He has been involved in music and transformational media since the early 1970s, when he was program director of CKGM-FM in Montreal.

In 1974, he collaborated with Ram Dass on the box set Love Serve Remember. In 1990, he launched Triloka Records, which established itself as a critical leader in the development of world music. For 17 years, Triloka was home to such artists as Krishna Das, Hugh Masekela, Walela, Jai Uttal and transformational media projects that featured Ram Dass, Deepak Chopra, and Les Nubians.

Raghu lives in Ojai, California, and is the Executive Director of the Love Serve Remember Foundation. In 2016, he co-founded the Be Here Now Network, where he hosts the Ram Dass Here & Now podcast, as well as his own Mindrolling podcast. He is the producer of Becoming Nobody, a Ram Dass documentary feature film that was released in 2019.


Rita Ryan

Chief Information Officer

Rita Ryan joined the Love Serve Remember Foundation as the first Director in 2008. Her goal to bring Ram Dass’s wisdom teachings to a new generation of wisdom-seekers via the Internet continues today through LSRF’s archival media collection on RamDass.org. She has led the Foundation in the collection and publication of Ram Dass’s archival media archives across five decades of his life’s work and wisdom. The collection includes over 17,000 audio and video assets of his lectures, interviews, print publications, photos, artwork, personal letters, and memorabilia.

Educated in Software Engineering and a UCLA alumnus, Rita spent 25 years in technology consulting roles to major global corporations. She has pursued lifelong education in sustainability science and marine science and holds numerous certifications.

Rita resides on the island of Maui with her husband, daughter, and 4 furry kids. She is a community organizer serving many local non-profit organizations. She chairs the Hawaii State Chapter of The Climate Reality Project, Chairs the Maui County Climate Action Advisory Committee, is Maui Nui rep for 350.org Hawaii and has a seat on the Maui Council of the Hawaiian Islands Land Trust.


Rachael Fisher

Development Director

Rachael began working with the Love Serve Remember Foundation in 2012, soon after graduating from UNC-Asheville with a degree in Communications and Commercial Media. Her introduction to Ram Dass came only after she became involved with the foundation; she subsequently traveled to India twice to learn about the Bhakti Yoga tradition and follow in Ram Dass’s early footsteps.

Rachael co-founded the Be Here Now Network and over the last decade has helped to produce numerous films, books, digital retreats, and online content to creatively translate Ram Dass's wisdom to a new generation. Rachael's interest in photography, writing, design, travel, and exploring the outdoors is what inspires that creativity. She recently moved from Asheville, North Carolina to Ojai, California.


Kelly Rego

Director of Marketing and Be Here Now Network

Kelly Rego is an Integrated Marketing & Media Specialist. An Emerson College alumni, Kelly has over 15 years experience of facilitating projects into reality. She has worked as a Peace Corps Volunteer with women’s groups and dairy cooperatives in Costa Rica, a media strategist and buyer in New York City, and has produced a full-length documentary.

Kelly is the Marketing Director for Ram Dass’s Love Serve Remember Foundation, as well as the project manager of Be Here Now Network, a podcast network dedicated to spirituality, mindfulness, and personal growth. She currently lives in Maui.


Sunanda Markus

Finance Director

In India in 1972, Sunanda met her guru, Neem Karoli Baba, as well as studied meditation with Theravada Buddhism teacher Shri S.N. Goenka. She has continued her practice of Vipassana meditation since that time, along with actively practicing yoga.

Currently the finance director for the Love Serve Remember Foundation, Sunanda spent decades as the finance director of a small publishing company, while also being involved in the field of contemplative studies. She spent a dozen years as the program coordinator for the Academic Program of the Center for Contemplative Mind, and then managed the grants program for the Mind & Life Institute.

As part of the nonprofit world, Sunanda has served on the boards of the Insight Meditation Society and the Seva Foundation, chairing the foundation for three years. She was an active member of the Seva Guatemala Project, supporting integrated community development. Sunanda currently lives in Montreal.


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